Sunday, October 15, 2017

top reasons why roller derby is the best

1. Roller Derby is an all inclusive sport, for people from all different backgrounds. While some other sports require you to look a certain way, roller derby is for all shapes and sizes. There's room for all body types and all ages, whether you're tall short fat or thin there's a place for you on the team!

2. So almost anyone can do it! Even if you've never skated before in your life you can join a team and learn the ropes. It's something anyone can take up at any point in life. Your time and effort equal results!

3. It's incredibly good exercise! The sport is very demanding so its an intense workout and way more exciting than running! Full body workout!

4. Great stress reliever. As a full contact sport you block other skaters with your whole body. Playing roller derby is very therapeutic and a great stress reliever!

5. It teaches you to be assertive. it is one of the few team sports where women can learn to be more assertive. It helps you find your voice and this can benefit you off the track as well. Competitive and aggressive on the track and handshakes and hugs after the game.

6. You'll learn a lot about strategy! Roller derby isn't just about knocking each other down to the ground. Scoring points relies on each member of the team memorizing different sequences of movement or plays. There are countless plays in roller derby and knowing what to do in each situation can be the key to getting the last few points you to need to win.

7. Teamwork! Teams become in tune with each other, working together in walls, blocking and strategic play become second nature. We all support and lift each other all united under our common goals.

8. You'll meet so many great people! For many the friendships they've developed are the best part of the sport. You get to meet strong goal oriented people who'll push you to be better.

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